Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby Steps

I don't go back to the doctor until next week, but I always like to test things out before I return so I have something to report.  I wore my Danskos to school twice last week and both times my foot hurt.  I'm good to go with my Saucony's and inserts, but everything else still causes pain.

This morning I thought it would be a good idea to attempt some light running.  It has been torture to wait 18 weeks without a single run (well, other than the one that I got in when we thought the MRI was clear).   I waited until after my chest and ab workout, and until I only had 10 minutes until I needed to leave the gym.  This forced me to keep the run to one mile.  If I had started out at the beginning of my workout I know I would have overdone it.  The good news is that I felt no pain AND I feel like a normal human being again.  It still amazes me how dramatically my mood changes when I can run even if it is just a short distance.  My plan is to run three days a week and keep the mileage very low and fairly slow.

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