Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Popeye Would Be Proud

Sunday we harvested our first crop from the garden!  We had two square feet of spinach to harvest, so Hailey and Rich went to town while I worked with the dogs and the invisible fence.  Tank and Dixie have it down, but Jack still gets a little too excited and runs out of the yard unintentionally.

I think Hailey had more fun harvesting than she did planting. However, I was shocked when she wanted to eat the spinach leaves after I washed them off.  She took each one by the stem and chewed the leaf off, leaving a pile of stems on the counter.  We made some English muffin pizzas with a side of spinach for dinner, but this time she dipped the leaves in some ranch:)

We are replanting spinach so that in a few weeks we'll have more!  Lord knows we eat our weight in spinach around here.....probably 4 cups a day and that much or more in mixed greens.

Check out that growth!

Everyone was in on the action.  And yes, that is Jack's hair in the background....more on the Furminator later!!


Did I mention the great location of this garden?  At the base of our screened porch!

Our little urban farmer

Get you some!

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