Monday, March 12, 2012

Heavy Lifting

Now that I've laid the crutches to rest, I'm switching up my lifting routine.  Still no cardio for me, nor legs....I introduced myself to Comcast's OnDemand Fitness routines over the weekend.   I did a 10 min. glute routine on Saturday which obviously involved legs, but with minimal impact and I felt good.  Pretty sad that 10 minutes left my legs sore after being off of them for so long.

I also gave an advanced ab routine a whirl...16 minutes of intense abs!! I loved every minute of it.  So, my new goal is to do some sort of glute/leg home workout sans the weights twice a week and an at home ab workout three times a week, courtesy of OnDemand.

The switch up at the gym includes lifting heavy, and by heavy I mean like powerlifting.  I've never tried to lift this heavy, but I think it is just what I need to gain some more muscle mass which will give me more definition and allow me to burn more calories.

Today's Chest Workout:

  • 5 sets warm-up seated bench press (50lb, 60lb, 70lb, 80lb, 90lb)
  • Flat bench (1 set of 3 @ 95 lbs, 5 sets of 5 @85 lbs)
  • Incline bench (5 sets of 5 with 30 lb dumbbells)
  • Decline with cables (1 set of 12 @35 lb per side, 1 set 10 @ 40 lbs per side, 2 sets 8 @ 45 lbs per side)
Doesn't look like a lot, but it was tough.  I'm not looking forward to trying to push myself up out of bed in the morning.  I can already feel the tightness and soreness coming on....  Change = Progress!

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